The post was and Instagram story, which showed several physical injury. In January, the singer's brother Alex posted a picture on Instagram. KodiyakRedd has seen his conduct with Montaisha scrutinized in the past when a number of videos were published, showing arguments between them. Montaisha's Instagram profile hasn't been updated since Venegas launched it in the month of October, 2021. KodiyakRedd hasn't yet replied to this claim, given that Montaisha's profile went quiet. Following their smash hit track, "I'm an Island Boy," went viral, The Island Boys were able to dominating the internet last year. The track was criticized by fans due to the bass-driven rhythm and lyrics However, they became internet stars for these very reasons. However, their path to fame was filled with conflict from the start. Their spats, and Logan Paul's protests in the debut live concert to attempting to take part in boxing contests with other celebrities... The duo gen...